Welcome to the Park Billing Home Page! We are a computerized billing system designed to provide a complete billing package for every mobile home park and apartment complex manger and/or owner. Most management companies find our forms easy to use and adopt into their existing accounting systems. Our programmers are more than happy to customize our reports for your needs.
We also provide accounts receivable software of our own at no additional cost. "PARKS" is able to track any tenant changes made by the community manager and can easily create a file to be transmitted directly to Park Billing. In addition to our own software package, we are able to produce financial files on floppy disk to be uploaded into existing accounting software such as AMSI, YARDI, and MRI.
We can provide, also at no additional cost, a handheld meter reading device. This device can alert the meter reader to a possible error with a simple beep. Meter readings are downloaded directly to Park Billing.
Park Billing specializes in sub-metered utility billing for both small and large communities across the nation. Visit these pages for additional information: